Busch Gardens

Tampa, Florida 


Entrance to Busch Gardens - Tampa, Florida

Pass to enter Busch Gardens - Tampa, Florida

Statue at Myombe Reserve - Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida

Baby Gorilla at Myombe Reserve, Busch Gardens

Gorilla at feeding time eating oranges

Kumba Roller Coaster - Busch Gardens
Kumba Roller Coaster from Congo River Rapids, Busch Gardens

Entrance to Gwazi - The newest roller coaster at Busch Gardens, and it's made of wood

Land-Rover Rhino Rally with Gwazi in top of picture

Rhino Rally - Busch Gardens

Skyride passing over Rhino Rally

Entrance to Python Roller Coaster - Busch Gardens

Python Roller Coaster - Busch Gardens

Montu Roller Coaster - Busch Gardens

Elephant getting a refreshing bath on a hot day

Ankole Bull lying in sandy, shady spot on a hot day

Picture of elephant taken near the Nairobi Train Station for the Skyride

Flamingo Island near the hospitality house

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