
This goes out to my buddy, Steve who I knew for 38 years. He passed away in January of this year (2019). I love you big guy and I miss you. I also what to send my love to Steve's wife, Beth who is going through some health issues of her own. I wish you the best, Sweetie!

From left to right: Me, Stan (front), Steve, Beth,
and my brother Jim, clowning as usual.

Stan (Beth's brother, and not too happy with his roll)

Beth's happy with her roll... She Cleared the Pins!

Steve, Stan, Beth

Steve and Beth - St. Petersburg, Florida.
We've been friends with for over 20 years.

Beth's new office, which was just remodeled
for the CPA firm she owns.

This is the rear of the new office.

The reception area and two best friends -
Artemus and Sadona (Standard Poodles).

This was taken behind the reception desk.

This is the bosses desk.  Is that my return over there?

Steve, hard at work in his new office working on some taxing matter.

Nice kitchen.
Now they can have a great party here on April 15th!

Conference Room.  Hum... where do we sit, Beth?

Hallway, looking back toward the reception area.
To the left is the copy room and file storage.

To the Top

Copyright © 1999-2005, Bill Smedley.  All rights reserved.